Moose/McLean Field Asset Overview

  • The first well in the Moose Mountain area was drilled in 1961

  • In the winter of 1992/93 Husky Oil drilled a discovery well into the Rundle C Sheet near Moose Mountain in Kananaskis Country

  • In September of 1993 Husky applied and received approval for pipelines in the Moose Mountain area

  • From 2018-2022 Caledonian acquired and has been developing these assets

Caledonian’s Moose Mountain and McLean Creek facilities are located at high elevation in areas of unparalleled scenic beauty.

Moose/McLean Field Summary

  • 68 Bcf of gas reserves and more than 30 million barrels of oil reserves to support long-term green projects at Quirk Creek Plant
  • Additions to production will be achieved through construction of Tank Terminal and Blending Facility
  • Proposed gas injection to reduce royalty burden at Moose Mountain
  • Total working interest production (2019 Jan to Aug) of 2,087 boe/d with high liquid content and low decline from Turner Valley Formation.
  • Ownership of pipeline systems that connect Moose Mountain and McLean Creek to Jumping Pound facility. Future potential redirection to Quirk Creek.
  • Moose Mountain Pad 1 oil treated and transported through pipeline to Pad 3 for trucking; Pad 3 oil currently shut-in due to lack of sour treatment for solution gas
  • Current Moose Mountain sour gas to be blended with Jumping Pound fuel gas to meet pipeline specification (less than 25% H2S).

Moose Mtn. Pad 1 & 2

Quirk Creek Plant Processing Building

Moose Mtn. Pad 1 & 3

Moose Mtn. Pad 1

McLean Creek North

Moose light sour crude oil and gas (approximately 42% H2S, and 8% CO2) is processed at Pad 1 with separators, compressors, stabilizers and dehydrators. An oil production line from Pad 1 to Jumping Pound was washed out in the 2013 floods and production is currently being piped from Pad 1 to Pad 3 (in the Valley) to permit trucks to transport oil to markets. Caledonian will repair the Jumping Pound production line enabling Pad 3 wells to be brought back on to the main facility at Pad 1.

Moose Mtn. Pad 1 – Oil Processing Facility Equipment

Operational Compressors

Desiccant Towers

Gas Processing Compressors

Power Generation

Caledonian's Highway to the Sun